Impact of Weather on Exterior Paint

Are you a homeowner residing in the Quad Cities and planning to have your exterior walls painted or repainted? While you might have the perfect paint color in mind, have you considered the kind of impact the area’s weather has on your exterior paint? If not, you might want to pay close attention because various weather conditions can affect the durability and appearance of your exterior paint.

High Humidity

Quad Cities is prone to humid weather, especially during the summer months. High humidity can reduce the drying rate of exterior paint, prolonging the time taken for the paint to dry. It can cause the paint to blister or bubble, leading to inadequate adhesion to the walls. The painting contractor should check and avoid painting in high humidity conditions to ensure that the paint dries properly.

Cold Temperatures

As winter approaches, the Quad Cities sees temperatures dropping to below freezing. The cold weather can be unfavorable for painting since the low temperatures can result in the paint freezing before it dries. Before painting, the contractor should ensure that the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent the paint from freezing, flaking, and peeling off.


The Quad Cities area is known to experience occasional winds, which can impact the painting process. The wind not only creates dust and debris, but paint can blow away from its intended location, resulting in inadequate coverage. If wind speeds are high, painting should be postponed until the wind calms down.

Sun Exposure

Exterior paint is susceptible to UV light and excessive sun exposure as they can fade or peel the paint’s color. As a Quad Cities homeowner, consider using paint that can withstand UV exposure, such as high-quality acrylic paints. The right kind of paint can keep your walls shining bright and last longer in the sun.


Rain can lead to moisture damage, especially if your exterior paint is not properly sealed. Moisture can seep into cracks and crevices in the exterior walls, resulting in mold and mildew growth, leading to paint damage. Your painting contractor should ensure that your walls are treated and sealed to prevent moisture damage.

Impact of Weather on Exterior Paint

As a Quad Cities homeowner, it’s essential to keep in mind the impact of weather on the exterior paint of your home. Weather conditions can affect the texture, quality, and longevity of your paint. Make sure that you discuss the impact of weather on your exterior paint with your painting contractor to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Contact QC Paint Pro and we will ensure that your exterior walls are appropriately painted all year round.


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